The Benefits
South Texas Grass Farm grows and sells pallets of high-quality Raleigh St. Augustine and 419 Tifway Bermuda. Our farm has fields that have been established for over 20 years. Due to the loss of topsoil that results from harvesting grass season after season, and the continually increasing cost of fertilizer, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides we have begun integrating sustainable practices and products to build the soil for the last six years.
We applied Cannon Republic (CR) Foundation SB Liquid on November 15th, 2022, on 15 acres of 419 Tifway Bermuda with a reduction of our standard fertility program. After this application we saw a faster recovery that encouraged us to move forward with Cannon Republic’s otherproducts.
In February 2023, we applied 400 lbs/acre of Cannon Republic Foundation SB Dry with a reduced rate of granular fertilizer post aeration. We experienced high amounts of rain fall in the spring that resulted in puddling and rust. We noticed reduced levels of rust in the fields where we applied CR Foundation SB Dry. As of May 1st, 2023, we are now applying 300 lbs/acre of CR Foundation Dry on 70 acres on Raleigh St. Augustine and 419 Tifway Bermuda and plan on ordering more product following each successive harvest.
We have seen improved stolon/rhizome vigor, faster recovery, greener in color, overall healthy appearance. We would strongly recommend Cannon Republic products for those looking to improve their soil and produce better grass.

CR Foundation SB Dry Application with Chicken Compost